The PHSC Foundation will work with you to find a charitable plan that lets you provide for your family and support Pasco Hernando State College. When you give to PHSC, you help us make a difference in the lives of students and the community for your lifetime and beyond.


  • QUICK AND EASY: Give an outright gift by check, cash or credit card. Designate the PHSC Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance, or your will.** Give tangible personal property or real eastate. Transfer stock or other securities directly to PHSC. Many of these options will help with current and/or future tax liabilities.*
  • GIFTS THAT PAY YOU INCOME: Charitable Gift Annuities provide current and future tax savings on income taxes.* Charitable Gift Annuities exchange a donation of cash or securities in exhange for fixed payments for life.
  • FLEXIBLE GIFTS THAT PAY YOU INCOME: Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts, Charitable Lead Unitrusts, and Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts are all vehicles that can help reduce your taxable estate* while paying income either to you, a family member, or PHSC.
  • OTHER WAYS TO GIVE: Please call us at 727-816-3410 or email to discuss available gift options.

On behalf of our students, THANK YOU!


** Leaving PHSC in your will may be as simple as writing a few sentences into your will, for example: "I, (your name), of (City/State/Zip), give, devise, and bequest to the Pasco Hernando State College Foundation, Inc., (dollar amount, percentage of the estate, or description of property) for it's unrestricted use and purpose."

* This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please consult an attorney or tax advisor.

The PHSC Foundation is a charitable, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students and advancing strategic goals of Pasco-Hernando State College.

Please contact us at 727-816-3410, or to cancel a recurring gift, or to learn how you can make a difference and show your support of the College and PHSC students.